Vidéo > Surf



Oscar Murell - Nouvelle Zélande

Northland - sur la côte nord ouest de l'île du nord, on peut rouler à marée basse sur la plage pendant près de 100km. Le terrain de jeu idéal pour partir [...]


Tommy Lloy - SUP Surfing Oceanside - Riviera Paddlesurf

A couple Clips of Tommy Lloy Sup Surfing in Oceanside... Riding the Riviera 8'6 Machete, and the T. Patterson 8'2' Rising Sun


Pueo Comes home


Leco Salazar show - Earthwave Festival Ecovias 2010

Avec beaucoup de style et de talent, Leco exploite ces mini-conditions. Une belle leçon...


Ivan test ride Coreban Hyper 7ft SUP

Ivan van Vuuren test riding the Coreban board called the HYPER. 7ft - Super Fun and created for riders under 75kg.


Remi Quique - Tibau do sul/pipa

An early morning session before hiring ...


Tommy Trozera PSC July 2011

Session bien glassy
Jimmy Lewis KWAD 8'7' somewhere south of the border.


Surfing the Distance - Robby Naish Surfs Pavones, Costa Rica

Robby Naish en SUP sur une trèèèèès longue vague...
Surfer Robby Naish visited Costa Rica in search of some of the longest waves in the world, which [...]

Chris Bertish SUP'ing Jbay

Chris Bertish takes time out to SUP J-Bay.


Du SUP surf à 74 ans

Rick Weeks, 74 ans et près de 100kg teste une planche de stand up paddle surf de 8'8x31.5 pour 138 litres. Pas si mal.



C'est chouette de revoir Kai Lenny en surf sur un stand up et s'éclater... 'I sent it on a mission to the other side of the island to search of surf. [...]


Sumatra - Jungle Boogie2

SMIK SUP Team and Friends at Sumatra


LOST FILES #2 /// H2Mexico /// Dave Boehne

Second edit of some lost files from Brent Deal's award winning SUP Movie 'H2Mexico'. These are clips not used in the film that have been picked up from [...]


Andrew Cassidy - Australie #Blue and Green

A couple of quick (actually slow) ones on the Sunova Creek on a sunny day in winter.


Andrew Cassidy - Back in Sydney


Dogman sandhill


Dogman SUP Surfing #Highlights 2017

The first of three vids that highlight Roger 'Dogman' Saunders most memorable clips of 2017. The Dogman has been caught in the act riding SUPS from sizes [...]


Flow Rider

Andrew Cassidy riding the Sunova 7'10 Flow


Longboard SUP vs Short SUP

Jackson Close & Roger 'Dogman' Saunders do battle in a mash-up of boards to find out who has the best style. Jackson rides his 10' longboard SUP, Dogman [...]


Keahi de Aboitiz South Bound 2017

Travelling south from Noosa, Keahi and Moona drive through the night to arrive at destination unknown for the morning session. With Moona capturing the [...]


Dogman - Australie - Autumn 2017

You gotta love a fine autumn morning. The light, crisp, chill of the offshore air on your skin. The sun peering over the horizon, dazzling your eyes with [...]


Ryan Helm #Mexico

Ryan Helm in Mexico Riding the Whirling Dervish SUP Surfboard by Riviera Paddlesurf.


Dogman's 7-10 Summer

A Summer with a new board in the quiver and never needing an excuse for not riding a short SUP, Dogman was itching to unleash his 7'10 on as many unsuspecting [...]


Leco Salazar #Praia Guaecá - Leçon de style

Belle leçon de style en sup surfing du brésilien Leco Salazar


Summer Glide - Costa Rica on a Popdart

Erik Antonson for the Progression Project surfs a 6.10 x26.5 Popdart by L-41 in small, clean surf in Costa Rica.


Bernd Roediger - AUSTRALIA

Australia was a blur of amazing sessions with great friends! To enumerate the amount of 'best day ever' days we had in South Coast would be impossible. [...]


SUP Surfing: Good things happen in Three's

' Three ' things you should know that went into making this clip... Geoff Breen, Dogman and Jackson Close are three amigos A person, a paddle, and a [...]


The Vaz Brothers - Tahiti, Hawaii, Baja California and Rio de Janeiro

New Age 3 is the third edition of the serie NEW AGE that we started launching a while ago. On the New Age 3 resides Caio and Ian Vaz we have Lucas Medeiros [...]


California SUP Session - Ryan Helm & Brandon Rambo

Ryan Helm and Brandon Rambo finding good surf after the 2015 PPG Race here in Southern California. Ryan Helm on his Riviera Pro Model the Whirling Dervish [...]


Remi Lami - Mahambo (Madagascar)

De belles images de Remi Lami en visite au Tsangana. Tsangana, 'debout' en malgache, est le premier club de Stand Up Paddle board à Mahambo au Madagascar.


Chris Griffiths of Guts Surfboards - UK

SUP: Bluwave 8'6


Australia - Summer SUP Surfing #Dogman

Dogman riding his quiver of signature model Laguna Bay SUP boards up and down the East coast of Australia over the summer. Dogman scores a few sweet little [...]


Benoit Carpentier - Maroc

J'aime le Maroc et j'y reviens souvent. Quand j'ai appris que la Waterman League y organisait une épreuve itinérante de stand up paddle, je ne pouvais [...]


Kauli - French Polynesia ep3

Pt. 3: On his trip Kauli Seadi visited the islands of French Polynesia. They are tropical paradise with some of the most beautiful beaches on the world. [...]


Peru Paradise

Peru is Paradise. Peru is the kind of place that wakes you up with a splash of cool ocean, waves good morning with a light sunrise that smiles out across [...]


Colin McPhillips & friends - Costa Rica

Blue Zone SUP July 2014 with Colin McPhillips & friends; Dukes of Hazzard inspired video edit We hope you enjoy Blue Zone SUP's latest video creation [...]


The Find - The Vaz Brothers TV

The Find Filmed in different spots of Indonesia, the movie brings the best images we've got during July! Hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for all Sponsors: [...]


Gareth Grant - Mentaiwi

'Naish Team Rider recently hit the Mentaiwi's on the surf charter boat Mangalui. The group from all over the world including UK SUP legend JIm Richardson [...]


Colin McPhillips & friends SUP in fun Costa Rica surf

We hope you enjoy this video with Colin McPhillips at Blue Zone SUP in Costa Rica. We really enjoyed this edit from James Rees using a really fun song [...]


Benoit Carpentier - Maroc

La Baraka, en arabe bénédiction. Sous la mer de nuage, que du bonheur De retour dans le village qui avait rassemblé la famille pour un premier voyage [...]


Jean Lucchini - Tahiti


SUP with Dolphins

Enjoying a great Father's Day morning session with the locals out Palm Beach on the Naish Nalu 10'6' GT


SUP Surfing Sessions: Dogman Unleashed

Having returned from a trip to the cold waters of Bells Beach Victoria. Dogman was glad to return home to warmer waters of northern New South Wales. Being [...]


Leco Salazar


Le team Naish au Brésil

Noa Ginella and Kai Lenny in action during the 2013 SUP World Tour event at Ubatuba Brazil


Patrice CHANZY SUP surfing Tahiti

SomeWhere in Da Pacific Patrice CHANZY Surf in Stand Up Paddle Surf, a perfect wave in the pacific. Paradise, so fish, perfect wave, long tube, water [...]


SUP Surfing Sessions Keahi de Aboitiz @ Home 2013

Reigning Kite Surfing World Champ and SUP shredder Keahi de Aboitiz surfing his home break(Noosa Qld).


Ben Carpentier - BZH oct 2012

Benoit Carpentier surfe en Stand up paddle dans le parc naturel régional d'Armorique
Stand up paddle in Brittany, Breizh (BZH), somewhere in the Armorique [...]


Schweitzer Brothers Summer 2012

Zane & Matty Schweitzer set off on yet another great Surf Adventure chasing the Storms! You will see a compilation of Surfing & Stand Up Padding [...]


Benoît Carpentier en mer d'Iroise (Bretagne) - Oct 2011

Session SUP Naish Hokua 8'0 - Benoît Carpentier- Iroise Sea - Brittany


île de Ré - fév 2011

Bonne ambiance pour cette session de SUP à l'île de Ré avec Antoine Albeau Julien Bouyer


Festival de Dakhla Maroc 2011

Colin Mc Phillips et son SUP Hobie

Starboard 8'5'x30' in Indo

Scott Mckercher SUP Starboard 8'5'x30' Pocket Rocket in Indo

Paddle Trainer riding the 8'5' Starboard Pocket Rocket at North Cronulla

Such a good board. Have ridden lots of short SUPs but this one is easily the best. Great in 1ft slop but also rips in bigger hollow waves.

SUP CHIBA 2010 Oct 31


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Info Partenaire: SROKA
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