Vidéo > DVD and movie Trailer

The SUP Movie Trailer

Durée: 2:25

From the award-winning director, Johnny DeCesare & Poor Boyz Productions comes a progressive film that will change the way you think about Stand-Up Paddling. 

Follow Kai Lenny and the best Stand-UP Paddlers paired with leading action sports cinematographers as they travel the globe chasing perfect waves as well as capturing unique perspectives from all facets of this growing sport.

Filmed on location in: Maui, Mexico, Fiji, California, Europe, Nicaragua, Maldives & elsewhere. 

The special guests of the evening will be kids from The Boys & Girls Club of Maui.  

STARRING:  Kai Lenny, Laird Hamilton, Noa Ginella, Kody Kerbox, Zane Schweitzer, Connor Baxter, Sean Pointer, Izzi Gomez, Lori Park & more.

Theme: DVD and movie Trailer

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Info Partenaire: SROKA
info partenaire: sroka
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Un coup de pagaie pour l'environnement

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