Vidéo > Eau-vive - surf
River Surfing Wyoming
Durée: 2:02
River Surfing on the Snake River in Wyoming.
Rider: Whitney Guild, Video: Carolyn Guild
Theme: Eau-vive - surf
SUP en action dans cette vidéo:
Vidéos Eau-vive - surf
Surfing the Colorado River
Dan Gavere gives highlights on SUP surfing standing waves during a 15 year high [...]
Jeremy Laugerat- vague statique
session de test du SUP 8' surf aquadesign
Spot dans la région de Sisteron...
Mikey T - Colorado
Michael Tavares getting it done for Badfish SUP in Durango, Colorado. Animas [...]
Dan Gavere - Lochsa River (USA)
The Lochsa is truly an Idaho Classic, offering paddlers miles and miles of big [...]
Mascaret en Malaisie - Kyron and the Chocolate Factory
Fanatic International SUP rider Kyron Rathbone experiences the Benak Tidal Bore [...]
Haley Mills on the Badfish 7'6 MVP
Haley Mills paddling the 7'6 Mountain Valley Paddleboard in Salida, CO.
Winter Paddling on the Badfish River Surfer 6'11
Clips from late fall and Winter paddling with the Badfish 6'11 at Rock Island, [...]
River Surfing-Bavaria Germany
River Surfing Isar Munich
River surfing
Peter Bartl en surfe de rivière...
Colorado River Surfing With Badfish SUP
A session with team Badfish SUP surfing the Glenwood Springs Wave on the Colorado [...]
Glenwood Springs Wave
Another great day on the wave. Water Keeps Coming
17,400 CFS 6/11/15
jeremy laugerat - surf statique sur le Lot
vague statique en SUP sur le Lot lors de la première édition du lot paddle fest [...]
SUP River Surfing Basics
Info Partenaire
Info Partenaire: SROKA
River Surfing Wyoming
Durée: 2:02
River Surfing on the Snake River in Wyoming.
Rider: Whitney Guild, Video: Carolyn Guild
Theme: Eau-vive - surf
Vidéos Eau-vive - surf
Surfing the Colorado River Dan Gavere gives highlights on SUP surfing standing waves during a 15 year high [...] |
Jeremy Laugerat- vague statique session de test du SUP 8' surf aquadesign Spot dans la région de Sisteron... |
Mikey T - Colorado Michael Tavares getting it done for Badfish SUP in Durango, Colorado. Animas [...] |
Dan Gavere - Lochsa River (USA) The Lochsa is truly an Idaho Classic, offering paddlers miles and miles of big [...] |
Mascaret en Malaisie - Kyron and the Chocolate Factory Fanatic International SUP rider Kyron Rathbone experiences the Benak Tidal Bore [...] |
Haley Mills on the Badfish 7'6 MVP Haley Mills paddling the 7'6 Mountain Valley Paddleboard in Salida, CO. |
Winter Paddling on the Badfish River Surfer 6'11 Clips from late fall and Winter paddling with the Badfish 6'11 at Rock Island, [...] |
River Surfing-Bavaria Germany |
River Surfing Isar Munich |
River surfing Peter Bartl en surfe de rivière... |
Colorado River Surfing With Badfish SUP A session with team Badfish SUP surfing the Glenwood Springs Wave on the Colorado [...] |
Glenwood Springs Wave Another great day on the wave. Water Keeps Coming 17,400 CFS 6/11/15 |
jeremy laugerat - surf statique sur le Lot vague statique en SUP sur le Lot lors de la première édition du lot paddle fest [...] |
SUP River Surfing Basics |
Info Partenaire

Info Partenaire: SROKA