Test et avis > jp-australia > jp-australia fusion 8'5

jp-australia fusion 8'5 outline

Suivant les versions, l'aspect peut être différent.

Jp-australia Fusion 8'5 x 30.0

Le jp-australia fusion 8'5 est un SUP de Tout terrain par JP-AUSTRALIA.

Dates de commercialisation: 2014-2017


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Protocole: La pesée se fait planche sèche avec les ailerons sans leash

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Versions et Tarifs

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0 annonce de jp-australia fusion 8'5 d'occasion

Tests du jp-australia fusion 8'5 et avis utilisateurs

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A notre avis pour un gabarit ML - niveau intermédiaire: Technique dans les conditions difficiles
En Surf:
En balade: Conserver uniquement l'aileron central - Manque de volume pour votre gabarit

Ils l'ont: Thibaut (ML: 1m85 78 kg.) Olivier (ML: 1m77 76 kg.)

Popularité: Cette fiche a été consultée 32 697 fois.

Par Olivier

Gabarit ML
1m77 76 kg.
48 ans
Niveau Intermédiaire
Avis ajouté le 12 Janvier 2018--
Je l'ai
Usage: Surf toutes conditions ;
Stabilité pour un gabarit ML (Intermédiaire) : Moyenne

Plus d'avis: Voir tous les avis de la gamme fusion

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JP 2017 SUP Fusion

The combination of a surf board outline, subtly curved rocker line and generous volume thinned out on the rails through a step deck is a winning concept that fuses glide and stability with great surfing characteristic. The bottom shapes feature concaves throughout running into a V towards the tail. The V in the tail helps to rail up when going down a wave. Their noses create efficient lift and the thinned out rails produce good bite during turns. The FUSIONs have a really good glide and are happy in flat water paddling, but they love the waves.

JP SUP - Fusion & Allround & Wide Body 2016

All three are all-round board concepts work great in flat water and small to medium waves. The ALLROUNDs are the fastest boards in a straight line because of their directional stability. The WIDE BODYs are the most stable boards, because of their width and are therefore the best boards for beginners in flat water and waves. The FUSIONs are the most wave oriented out of these three.

JP SUP - Fusion & Allround & Wide Body 2015

All three are all-round boards which work great in flat water and small to medium waves. The ALLROUNDs are the fastest boards in a straight line because of their directional stability. The WIDE BODYs are the most stable boards, because of their width and are therefore the best boards for beginners in flat water and waves. The FUSIONs are the most wave oriented out of the three.

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