Test et avis > jp-australia > jp-australia young gun 8'10

jp-australia young gun 8'10 outline

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Jp-australia Young gun 8'10 x 30.0

Le jp-australia young gun 8'10 est un SUP de Tout terrain par JP-AUSTRALIA.
Une planche convertible SUP / Windsurf pour les enfants

Dates de commercialisation: 2011-2014


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Protocole: La pesée se fait planche sèche avec les ailerons sans leash

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Versions et Tarifs

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Occasion: Ajouter une annonce - Cote argus

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Tests du jp-australia young gun 8'10 et avis utilisateurs

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A notre avis pour un gabarit ML - niveau intermédiaire: Technique dans les conditions difficiles
En Surf:
En balade: - Manque de volume pour votre gabarit

Popularité: Cette fiche a été consultée 35 394 fois.

Plus d'avis: Voir tous les avis de la gamme young-gun

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Plus d'info sur le jp-australia young gun 8'10

The Youn Gun Wind SUP comes with a centerfin for additional stability when windsurfing and to avoid drifting sideways during these very first hours of your windsurfing career.

It's the ultimate plaything for Young Guns who like to have fun in the water. Kids will learn how to paddle around in 2 minutes and will sail in and out in two days. You could call this the missing link of windsurfing and SUPing. It is so great to see kids, who have never been on an SUP or Windsurf board before, play with them and have fun from the moment they get on. The dimensions (width, length, volume) and the softdeck technology (no hard edges) combined with the centerfin make it a perfect windsurf beginner board for kids up to 50kg. At the same time it is an ultimate all-round kids SUP for flatwater and waves.

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Balade Surf Race EauVive

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Info Partenaire: SROKA
info partenaire: sroka

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