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starboard elite touring 14'0 outline

Suivant les versions, l'aspect peut être différent.

Starboard Elite touring 14'0 x 30.0

Le starboard elite touring 14'0 est un SUP de Tout type de balade par STARBOARD.
Comme une planche de race mais en plus accessible pour les grandes balades

Dates de commercialisation: 2015-2016


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Protocole: La pesée se fait planche sèche avec les ailerons sans leash

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Tests du starboard elite touring 14'0 et avis utilisateurs

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Ils l'ont: Xavier (XL: 1m72 97 kg.)

Popularité: Cette fiche a été consultée 11 402 fois.

Par Olivier

Gabarit XL
1m85 90 kg.
62 ans
Niveau Avancé
Avis ajouté le 5 Septembre 2015--
Je l'ai testé
Usage: Balade sportive et randonnée ;
Stabilité pour un gabarit XL (Intermédiaire) : Très bonne
Le pied pour les 'bons' gabarits , qui cherchent une planche facile et néanmoins assez performante avec ses 30'' de large, la planche a un rocker quasi-nul ce qui lui offre une flottaison dynamique importante et la rend donc rapide, le démarrage en surf est immédiat il faut se reculer dés que la planche part au planning, c'est tout.
Bref une planche polyvalente et anti-prise de tête pour les beaux bébés.

Plus d'avis: Voir tous les avis de la gamme elite-touring

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Vidéos (2)

Starboard Touring Course Adjuster

This video features the new Starboard Course Adjuster for all Touring boards, designed to help you track in a straight line according to the course you choose to combat wind or chop. The Course Adjuster is a rod system that enables the rider to adjust the fin position to change the tracking, allowing the rider to paddle equally on each side yet glide on a set course direction. You will need: Course Adjuster Fin 2 EVA washers Allen Key Composite Rod Rod Mount How to fix the Course Adjuster to your Touring board: 1) Take the Fin and place the first EVA washer onto the rod 2) Now place the Fin into the screw hole underneath the board, located just in front of the US Fin Box. 3) Grab the second washer and place it onto the rod. While holding the fin in position with one hand, slide the composite rod under the Bungee and place on top of the rod. Now tighten with the Allen Key. 4) The last step is to fix the Rod Mount onto the board. Using a ruler, measure 50cm from the fin and mark the position to fix the mount. (On 2015 Models you will need the extra piece of 3mm EVA to fill the gap between the pads, which is supplied with the Course Adjuster.) 5) Remove the film and stick the 3mm EVa in the centre of the mount and then fix the mount between the deckpad. Once secure, the Composite Rod then rests in between the grove to adjust the angle of the blade depending on the course you want to choose. Note: Moving the rod in one direction will make you track in the opposite direction. For instance, moving the rod further to the left will make you steer more towards the right, while moving it further to the right will make you steer towards the left.

The 2016 Elite Touring: Explore with fast and stable boards

The Elite Touring range is fast and stable with excellent straight line tracking, perfect for cruising and exploring destinations at speed. The Elite Touring is a versatile shape that excels on flat-water yet can handle choppy ocean conditions.

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