Test et avis > jimmy-lewis > jimmy-lewis sidewinder 12'6

jimmy-lewis sidewinder 12'6 outline

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Jimmy-lewis Sidewinder 12'6 x 25.0

Le jimmy-lewis sidewinder 12'6 est un SUP de Race toutes conditions par JIMMY-LEWIS.

Dates de commercialisation: 2017-2019


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Protocole: La pesée se fait planche sèche avec les ailerons sans leash

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Versions et Tarifs

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Tests du jimmy-lewis sidewinder 12'6 et avis utilisateurs

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A notre avis pour un gabarit ML - niveau intermédiaire: Technique dans les conditions difficiles
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Popularité: Cette fiche a été consultée 14 708 fois.

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Jimmy Lewis Sidewinder

Jimmy Lewis's words about the sidewinder: Designed to be the fastest board on the water in any and ALL conditions. The Sidewinder starts with a zero drag outline and a very low,smooth rocker line, making it very easy to get the board moving and once on the move will retain it’s speed and momentum with very little effort. The increased volume in the front keeps the nose “floating” over the chop while the “V” deck shape in the front separates the water when it pierces effortlessly through waves or large chop. The “wing” shaped rails up front prevent the nose from being affected by cross wind and allows the rider easy tracking in the desired direction during windy conditions. The bottom shape is a no-gimmick, simple flow, from the soft rounded edges in the front going into the single, stability concave in the standing area and blending to a flat release in the back. The rails in the back have an edge to them to aid with gliding and surfing ability. From flat water to down-winding this board excels in all aspects of SUP and will simplify your quiver.
Teo paddling the Jimmy Lewis Sidewinder 14X23 in Port Adriano Beach in Mallorca

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