Test et avis > tropical-blends > tropical-blends allround wai kahe 9'2

tropical-blends allround wai kahe 9'2 outline

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Tropical-blends Allround wai kahe 9'2 x 29.0

Le tropical-blends allround wai kahe 9'2 est un SUP de Tout terrain par TROPICAL-BLENDS.

Dates de commercialisation: 2013


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Protocole: La pesée se fait planche sèche avec les ailerons sans leash

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Versions et Tarifs

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Tests du tropical-blends allround wai kahe 9'2 et avis utilisateurs

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A notre avis pour un gabarit ML - niveau intermédiaire: Technique dans les conditions difficiles
En Surf:
En balade: Conserver uniquement l'aileron central - Manque de volume pour votre gabarit

Popularité: Cette fiche a été consultée 21 014 fois.

Plus d'avis: Voir tous les avis de la gamme allround-wai-kahe

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Tropical Blends Hawaii 9'2 Wai Kahe

Another favorite among smaller riders, the Wai Kahe meets a wide range of needs. It's easy to handle on your own, great for getting a little exercise and or just watching the scenery going by. If you're venturing out into the surf you'll find this board to be stable, quick and maneuverable. Its very lightweight and progressive design makes the Wai Kahe a winner for both novice and experienced alike.

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Plus d'info sur le tropical-blends allround wai kahe 9'2

DESCRIPTION: Another favorite among smaller riders, the Wai Kahe meets a wide range of needs. It’s easy to handle on your own, great for getting a little exercise and or just watching the scenery going by. If you’re venturing out into the surf you’ll find this board to be stable, quick and maneuverable. Its very lightweight and progressive design makes the Wai Kahe a winner for both novice and experienced alike.

DESIGN: Single to double concave through the middle for stability and lift, ample tail rocker, a tight rail line and foil to help in the surf and the perfect outline for stability.

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