Test et avis > nsp > nsp surf 9'2

nsp surf 9'2 outline

Suivant les versions, l'aspect peut être différent.

Nsp Surf 9'2 x 29.5

Le nsp surf 9'2 est un SUP de Surf toutes conditions par NSP.

Dates de commercialisation: 2013-2017


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Protocole: La pesée se fait planche sèche avec les ailerons sans leash

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Versions et Tarifs

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Tests du nsp surf 9'2 et avis utilisateurs

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A notre avis pour un gabarit ML - niveau intermédiaire: Un peu technique dans les conditions difficiles
En Surf:
En balade: Conserver uniquement l'aileron central - Manque de volume pour votre gabarit

Ils l'ont: Ludo et stuf (ML: )

Popularité: Cette fiche a été consultée 36 165 fois.

avis pro

Par Ludo et stuf

Gabarit ML

Niveau Expert
Avis ajouté le 4 Août 2017--
Je l'ai
Usage: ;
Stabilité pour un gabarit ML (Expert) : Moyenne

Plus d'avis: Voir tous les avis de la gamme surf

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NSP SURF 9'2 Rebaptisé NSP allrounder 9'2 - versions 2017

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Plus d'info sur le nsp surf 9'2

This 9'2 is designed as a surf specific performance board. It has been designed to skilled paddlers and surfers looking to add a forgiving, yet highly maneuverable SUP to their repertoire.The first thing you’ll notice about this board is the continuous curve in the plan shape. This allows the board to fit nicely into the curve of the wave, offers outstanding manoeuvrability while promoting a smooth transition from turn to turn. Generous width in the nose, combined with a rounded tail and the tapered outline in the back half of this board, provides some stability in bumpy conditions, but more importantly allows the paddler to comfortably shift their weight forward as they stroke into waves and maintain a very responsive feel once on the wave face. An even foil from nose to tail is complimented by a rolled deck and medium rail volume. This further adds to the sensitivity of this board and allows the execution of critical turns on steeper parts of the wave. The 4 + 1 fin configuration, along with the single-to-double concave into vee bottom contours, complete the design package and serves to marry speed, control and manoeuvrability.

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annonce redwood
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Info Partenaire: SROKA
info partenaire: sroka

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