Vidéo > RDV Guadiana challenge 2018

Enjoy a slice of paradise with the Guadiana Challenge Riverfest in 2018

Durée: 3:08

This was what the Guadiana Challenge Riverfest looked like in 2017. Stand up paddle all weekend! Can you IMAGINE what it's going to be like in 2018?

Save the date: April 20-22 2018 and enjoy the entire weekend down in Mêrtola, Portugal with us.

Rest assured on the Saturday we will have a super long paddle and a shorter one for those of you who want to take it easier and just enjoy the sup lifestyle with us. There will definitely be a rocking party on the Saturday night with great music, great food, bonfires and incredible people from the stand up paddle community.

Rdv: Guadiana challenge 2018

Autres vidéos du Guadiana challenge 2018

Info Partenaire: SROKA
info partenaire: sroka
Info Partenaire
annonce redwood

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