Vidéo > vidéos du starboard hypernut 6'9

The Hypernut

Durée: 2:52

The Hyper Nut are fast, stable and reactive in a short length.
Set to redefine the direction of SUP surfing.
Wide nose and tail allows riding a shorter board.
Inverted nut rail for faster acceleration and tight turning.
Pro rocker down the center of the board for tight turning.
Channel tail creates flat spot in front of fins for extra acceleration.
Flatter rocker along tail rail enhances speed and drive.
Quad fin set up matches the wider tail outline enhancing squirt, acceleration and speed.
Wide tail and straight outline give drive and acceleration.
Rail thickness is in line with the Pro range to keep sensitivity and responsiveness at their peak.

SUP en action dans cette vidéo:

Autres vidéos du starboard hypernut 6'9

Starboard 2016 - Hyper Nut
Hypernut - Convention 2017
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