
Gabarit L1m84 92 kg. - 44 ans - Niveau Intermédiaire
Localisation: Grèce

Quiver: SUP [1] - Pagaies [0]

Mes planches (Je les ai)

nsp puma 14'0 x 26.0 - 297L
Ajouté au quiver le 5 juil. 2022 - Avis du 5 juil. 2022
Usage: Surf vagues molles ;
Stabilité pour un gabarit L (Intermédiaire) : Très bonne

My preferred conditions is waves, catching waves,I'm bored in flat conditions. I'm not very experienced, but lately I've progressed in catching waves. It is all about technique.... Board is light n stable with good secondary stability. One need to trust it and then it becomes very stable. Catches waves... Can surf. Catches also very very small waves with the right technique. Front n back are strong. I would not say it is strong in the cockpit area, I have managed to break it in the tieups point when driven at around 80kph with the car. My huge mistake. Anyway I fixed it with carbon by myself, I was very surprised how sensitive it is in that area. But ok. I see it's a super light race board. It's Ok with me. I'm not washing it after use, I just put some pot water in the gore Tex valve and that's it. Color has some minor issues but I guess it is my luck of washing that makes it. I recommend this board. Also very beautiful ❤️

Mes pagaies

Aucune pagaie au quiver.

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annonce redwood
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