
Gabarit L1m78 86 kg. - 58 ans - Niveau Expert
Localisation: Allemagne

Quiver: SUP [3] - Pagaies [0]

Mes planches (Je les ai)

starboard astro touring 12'6 x 30.0 - 302L
Ajouté au quiver le 29 mai 2013 - Avis du 29 mai 2013
Usage: Tout type de balade ;
Stabilité pour un gabarit ML (Expert) : Très bonne

Easy to handle and very fast.

coreban fusion 9'0 x 29.5 - 148L
Ajouté au quiver le 6 juin 2012 - Avis du 6 juin 2012
Usage: Surf toutes conditions ;
Stabilité pour un gabarit ML (Expert) : Très bonne

Hi, i have the core version in red since one month and surfed it in different conditions in the baltic sea and north sea. Its quality looks realy great. Taking the board a long distance is also very comfortable because the handhold allows the fingers to realy take hold on. It has a additional bulge to the inner sides and also the weight is small.(Feels like 9kg) Its behavior is directly depending on the fin combination. I prefer at the moment the quads. In waves 2-3 m perfect in bottom turn and really shortboard-feeling in cutbacks. In shoppy and windy conditions you need a good balance with the quads. With thruster and a bigger single fin its behavior is of good nature. The board is realy fast, manoeverable and makes it easy to catch the waves also in shoppy small conditions. For flatwater tours and a weight of 78-85 kg its not the best you can get. It changes the direction while paddling to fast. For me i think a realy versatile board for 90% of all wavetypes you can catch in europe.

Mes anciennes planches (Je les ai eues)

lokahi AKA 9'6 x 31.0 - 165L
Ajouté au quiver le 26 avril 2016 - Avis du 26 avril 2016
Usage: Surf vagues molles ; Surf toutes conditions
Stabilité pour un gabarit L (Expert) : Très bonne

- Avis du 26 avril 2016
Usage: Surf toutes conditions ;
Stabilité pour un gabarit L (Expert) : Très bonne

Very easy to paddle. Could be the first board for wave beginners.

Mes pagaies

Aucune pagaie au quiver.

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annonce redwood
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